Hear in America Benefits for Pioneers

This past summer brought many people a new sense of freedom. Visiting friends and family sometimes came with challenges in understanding conversations in noisy places, or maybe hearing young children. It is tempting to think of these as "part-time problems" or "selective hearing" when in reality hearing loss affects most situations, just to different degrees. There are plenty of low-cost hearing aids available to buy online, mailed to you with a selection of parts to fit your ear: unfortunately, the low cost up front may be more costly in the long run, and may limit the benefits you get from them.

  • Some serious medical problems can only be identified by a professional examination, including looking in your ear
  • Hearing aids with tubes and domes require assembly, and may not fit correctly without a professional’s support
  • Hearing aids should be set or programmed to meet your needs: without the support of a professional to adjust these settings, hearing aids can be uncomfortable and even harmful
  • Some hearing aids have more features than you need, which can make them difficult to use
  • Hearing aids require cleanings to keep them working well, and those purchased online typically have a short warranty period: repairs may cost hundreds of dollars
  • Some people who try "off the shelf" hearing aids conclude that hearing aids don't work for them and refuse to try professionally-fit models.

Purchasing hearing aids through Hear In America can help you get hearing aids that meet all of your needs quickly and easily, with follow-up care to make sure they keep working well. Your Pioneers benefit package makes sure that you and your extended family (including in-laws) can get all the benefits of professional services at great values:

  • a professional hearing exam at no charge,
  • a wide range of hearing aids at discounted prices with a low-price guarantee,
  • professional fitting for your hearing aids to make sure that they suit your needs, without being needlessly complicated,
  • three years of follow-up care (cleanings and adjustments) at that professional's office,
  • a three-year complete repair warranty: if the hearing aid can't be repaired in the office it will be sent to the manufacturer to replace all parts that are not at top function,
  • three years of loss and damage insurance so if you lose a hearing aid or it is damaged beyond repair, you can get a replacement for it with only a small deductible,
  • and even three years of hearing aid batteries shipped to your door.

Several apples-to-apples comparisons with different brands show that when we compare the costs of "off the shelf" hearing aids over three years with extra charges for batteries and repairs, they are more expensive than comparable professionally-fit hearing aids through Hear In America. So, if you feel like you or someone in your family has "selective hearing" or a "part-time" hearing problem, you owe it to yourself to at least take advantage of the professional exam at no charge. To schedule your free hearing exam, call Hear In America at (800)286-6149.